“After attending the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books, the BookExpo America in New York, and Printers Row in Chicago, you can see how publishing is moving into the most exciting era since Gutenberg and the printing press,” John Paul Owles, President of Joshua Tree Publishing remarked.
“At Joshua Tree Publishing, we are more excited than ever about how the content of our authors can be presented in a number of platforms. We have formed partnership with the leading companies in the digital age to transorm our author’s books into audio books, video formats, and electronic books such as Kindle, ePub, and iBook formats. We are exploring streaming video and podcasts so our authors can reach their full creative potential and the largest possible audience.”
Printed Editions turn into Electronic Editions into Video
From a printed book, Amy Oberg’s An Ember of Hope has been transformed into an electronic book in Kindle and ePub formats for Nook, Sony Reader, and other devices. Soon it will become an iBook for Apple. To promote her book, Amy shot some video and transformed her book into a YouTube channel.
Vanity Press turn to “Self-Publishing” to Deceive Authors
Authors today face a very deceptive marketplace. With vanity publishers claiming they are helping authors to “self-publish” their books, these subsidy publishers don’t care about authors and their work. Just look at their websites. The first thing they ask an author to do is pick a ‘publishing package’ to suit their needs. After the author picks their package, the next step is to order and pay for it.
“Hey, wait a minute. How about looking at my book?” you might ask. But the only time you submit the book is after you sign the contract and pay.
One of the largest of these (we all know them…just search Google and look at their paid ads declaring they want your book) proclaims to have published 18,000 books over the last 12 years. Another says they have helped 30,000 authors publish their books in the past 11 years. How do you do that? Well, first it helps not to have to read the book. You save a lot of wasted time right there.
The second way is you tell authors you can call a publishing consultant to help you decide. Well, guess what? That consultant is a sales person whose job is to sell you—you guessed it—a publishing package.
Finally, you outsource the work to a third world country to process the author’s book. After all, at 1,500 to 3,000 books a year, the vanity presses need mass production techniques.Believe me, it does not get better for you the author.
Sometimes it is better for an author to consider self-publishing their books. Joshua Tree Digital can help you.